15 Aug 2013

An Open Letter to YouTube

Dear YouTube, 

I am realising how seriously addicted I am to you. When I'm home, you are just always with me. You have overtaken both facebook and twitter for me. That says a lot. 

Right now you are playing music for me on my iPad. Then every now and then, I turn you off on my iPad so I can watch a video (that's not music) on my laptop. Then I turn you off again on my laptop, only to turn you on again on my iPad to keep listening to music.

So what am I watching? 

In the mornings when I get ready and have breakfast, I like light-hearted comedy type of material. Go tos are the Ellen Show (because yes, I like it), DailyGrace (because she is my spirit animal), Tyler Oakley (because sometimes you just need your dose of flamboyance) or even the Vlogbrothers (because sometimes I like to start my day by thinking about things). 

While I'm working, just what ever music I like tends to be on (obviously). Right now I'm loving some bizarre mixture of the old music I normally listen to and old poppy chart music that is old enough not to be current but not old enough to be like 'flashback'. I am so not cool. I'm sorry to disappoint. I'll be more on trend in the colder months, because then I'll care (probably not). 

In the evenings I like to turn off my brain by watching TV shows that can be found within your layers of content. Say Yes to the Dress and What Not To Wear are great to make you feel BEAUTIFUL. Otherwise I like finding interesting shows, BBC programs and documentaries for example. If it gets late I'll find myself watching Jerry Seinfeld, Louis C.K. or Ricky Gervais stand ups. Because it's funny.  

I haven't even touched on all the make up girls that have taught me how to curl my hair with a straightener, do my make up and take care of myself. They are assumed. Duh. 

YouTube, thanks for keeping me educated and entertained. Couldn't ask for more. 

End note: Links to worthwhile videos are in the names, because embedding them all makes the site really slow and this post really long. This Jerry Seinfeld video is so good though I had to include it. I think I've watched it 2-3 times a day for the last week or so. If you like my taste in videos, here is a link to a playlist of the mentioned ones

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