7 Oct 2009


since everybody I meet seems to have the urge to compliment my english (even that lovely gentleman at the bank), I'm going to honour (stop correcting me word spell, this is the proper English spelling, you americans) the QUEEN (not the band) by writing my latest blog in her language. dear readers, no need for concern, I won't make it a habit.

thank you, your Most Gracious Majesty, for having me here in your country. it's not so bad. you can be relatively proud of your country. apart from gordon brown because he decided that terrorists laws would be in order for the whole of my country. but all in all, it's not so bad. you're children are all very polite. you've raised them properly. as one could expect from your Highness.

my mother will also be joining me here as soon as this thursday. which is very lovely indeed. I haven't seen the dear for a while now. oh yes, and since I haven't gotten around to it yet, I'm very sorry, we might come over for some decent cup of tea.

cheers, Aitch (which is what your lovely children call me, due to their, bless 'em, lack of proper pronunciation skills in my mother's tounge. perhaps I should rather go for the Greek way though (you know, I was there for some time, that's why it crossed my mind - not that the greatness of the Ellenikos wouldn't suit my gracious self), that's Eta which sounds less like a immune system disease, and Há just really doesn't fly)

dear friends, I'm pouring out my heart here on the internet. leave me little messages if you appreciate it. I'd appreciate that.

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