10 Feb 2011

Perfect Day

- I got up early for the first time in my life.
- I had breakfast.
- I went to work.
- Not to work though.
- I met my old regulars there.
- I got coffee.
- They gave me money.
- I went for a half an hour walk in the London rain.
- I went to an amazing lecture at Tate Britain.
- I wasn't the most hung-over person there.
- I had a wonder in Tate Britain.
- I plan to go there again as soon as I can convince myself to go all the way to Pimlico.
- I came home.
- The entertainment industry decided to combine: how I met your mother, love being found, the phrase "oh honey" and Katy Perry; which all happen to be amongst my favorite things.
- I am not that sorry, that I forgot to say spoiler alert before this bulletin.
- I actually am, because this episode was great and now I have ruined it for you.
- I am not really. You should have seen it already.
- I got my share of patriotism for the day seeing the new Steed Lord Video

The song is alright I suppose, not my favorite in any way. But I love, love, love this video. The choreography, the editing, the make up, the look, everything. Fab. It is nice seeing Icelandic bands making ambitious videos (i.e. not just playing with focus on the camera as the band plays in a studio).
- I cooked dinner.

- I will finish doing my laundry.
(then I'll have something to wear again. yay!)
- I will read my very interesting homework after being so inspired by my lecture today.
- I will watch that HIMYM episode again.
Plus, I don't have to wake up early tomorrow.

Pretty good life, huh?

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