20 Jun 2011


I love writing.

I am just not really good at knowing what is appropriate for a blog which is why I never really post anything.
Everything I write I think is too silly or too personal to post on here, which is why I have about 10 drafts for every post I actually post. (As in different posts, not just the same one re-written 10 times)

Because either I get really awkward that somebody actually reads all this and comments on it, wether it's here or in real life.
Or I don't get any feed back at all and then I don't really see the purpose of posting it here and just feel really silly.

I want to be like Jenna Mourey (youtube her and you will have full three hours procrastinating what ever it is you should be doing) and just not give a damn. Maybe I'll get there one day. Or maybe I should start writing about something other than my own life, just something neutral like music or restaurants. Or just a lot of essays. I am such a nerd.

I always write in the middle of the night though, particularly if I have a very important next day. This is the second post I'm writing now (I didn't want to post the first one) and I am starting a new job tomorrow - one that emphasises on the importance of being presentable, on time and prepared (I know that is pretty much every job though). So what a pleasure, two seconds before I fall asleep my brain (whom I have no control over!) starts and I quote: "nooo I want to write something! please, please, let me I'll be very quick!" Stupid brain. Keeping me awake in the middle of the night.

Anyway, wish me luck for tomorrow. I am very excited to try something new after over five, probably more like seven, years of hospitality.

PS. I think it's very cute you're reading this, I haven't even checked in here for months! Thanks you, you're sweet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ég tékka alltaf á þér öðru hvoru - himinlifandi að sjá blogg!
hvar ertu annars að fara að vinna sæta?
kv Berglind