14 Oct 2010


That honestly is one of my all time favorite songs. I didn't like it any less after sitting through a couple of hours with goosebumps all over watching the Jersey Boys show.

(I actually don't mind the muse version of it either... sushh though, don't tell anyone!)

I'll add this version as well! It's one of my favorite movies and RIP darling.



Anonymous said...

víj! ég elska þetta lag svo mikið! mér finnst æææðislegt með Lauren Hill! love love love it! <3

kv. Sonjaaaaaaaa

Anonymous said...

ok mér var greinilega ekki að takast að skrifa eðlilegar setningar í síðasta kommenti...en whatever!


Unknown said...

hahahha, venjulegar setningar eru fyrir lúða 8-)