12 Dec 2010

10 Best Albums of 2010.

I love lists! I'm going to borrow this one though from this list of the top ten albums of 2010. I'm not going to pretend I know them all but I will go on and explore them. Yeah, I'm still sick and quite bored.

10. Janelle Monáe - The ArchAndroid (Suites II and III)
Yeah, I'm going to be honest with you guys. I have never heard of this person before. To have this post educational, I'm checking this out. It's got a unique sound and is kind of lounge like. This lady is obviously talented and this album is worth looking into if you want to listen to something that isn't really typical. Personally not music I'd look up to listen to myself, but it grows on you.

9. LCD Soundsystem - This is happening.
Personally I prefer LCD Soundsystem's previous albums. That might just be me though because they are less electronic rocky-ish and more melodic. Definitely good album though and I'd recommend whoever that's not familiar with this band to go check them out. It's sort of elcetronic meets rock meets humor (everyone knows North American Scum, on this one there is a piece of lyric that goes like this: "you wanted a hit, that's not what we do"). So the lyrics can be quite comical. It's a bit too much for me to listen to only them, so I recommend to mix them in a playlist. Are probably great live though. This song emphasizes my point quite clearly. Good song, but a bit too electro for my taste.

8. The Black Keys - Brothers
I've never listened to this band before. I have it on my computer though, as I've been collecting music this year from some very tasteful people, but haven't managed to listen through it all. I don't have this album, I have another one. Now I want this one! As I'm exploring it now it immediately made it to my bands-worth-listening-to-list. This is proper rock. Plus the video is supercool.

7. MGMT - Congratulations.
Up until recently I always used to think that MGMT was this super old band that was just a guilty pleasure of mine. I know I probably should know this stuff. But my music knowledge is well below average. I know if I like it or not, and that's about it. I don't know the name of the music guys, I don't know what they look like, normally I don't know how old the music is, and even when I'm listening to my own music on shuffle I'm not always sure what band it is, even though it might be one of my preferred ones. But I still like the music though. That must count for something. I quite liked to find this album on this list though, so now I can listen to them all I want. I'm still not sure though if any of the singles on it are as strong as their previous ones, like time to pretend and kids, that are oh so catchy.

6. Gorillaz - Plastic Beach
I think it wasn't till I read that Gorillaz was on this list that I realized they are still making good music. It's just I was such a huge fan of their early stuff that all their new stuff is no good compared to that. I mean, how are you ever going to make a better song than Clint Eastwood? But that's what I thought about Demon Days as well, that I in the end actually enjoyed. So I just have to get over myself. I suppose what I've heard of this album is alright. It's their own fault really, why would you set people's expectations so high from the start? I love the concept of this band though, plus Damon Albarn has a house in Iceland and used to party at Kaffibarinn! See, I know him, maybe I'm not completely useless.

5. Kanye West - My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
I'm going to admit that this type of music is not really too my taste and all sounds the same too me. Kanye West jokes that have taken over the internet recently are not really motivating me to drown myself into this album. As a part of this top ten research I'm doing though I'll give it a try. It definitely sounds professional for starters and he is working with some pretty impressive names on this albums. He is the only rapper that has made it on this top ten best album list since his own album, The College Dropout ranked fifth as well in 2005. I'm going to admit I've quite enjoyed exploring his album. I can't find a video for one of his songs though, but this one is a pretty good one.

4. Vampire Weekend - Contra
Finally a band I've listened to quite a lot. How can you not love these jolly fellas? I've heard they are fantastic live. I'm actually a little bit sick of them at the moment due to too much listening, but if you haven't listened to them, do! They are great. This song was like my favorite for months.

3. The National - High Violet
Again, I prove my anti-music nerdiness. I can't believe I have never heard of this band! It completely goes with the rest of my music, this is their sixth album and they rank quite high on these list I'm using. This is going to be my next favorite band. Does anyone have their music?

2. Beach House - Teen Dreams
Ok. This is my all time favorite album. I've listened to this album countless times. I love it. If you haven't listened to it, do it now. It's good for good times and bad times. There's nothing more to say.

1. Arcade Fire - The Suburbs
Ok. This is my all time favorite album. I've listened to this album countless times. I love it. If you haven't listened to it, do it now. It's good for good times and bad times. There's nothing more to say.

I know I said the same things about 1 and 2. But I've been listening to these albums all year long. Definitely my favorites.

Hopefully you find it within you to read through it all, and find it useful. There are countless of other lists out there, and a lot of other music out there to explore. Anyway, I can't really write anything more, this is quite long as it is.


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