11 Dec 2010

Last Weekend in London.

Just wanted to share with you what a great weekend I'm having, as this is my last weekend in London this year.

Yesterday I wasn't feeling so good. I was invited to a party though in Soho, and decided to quickly just check it out. So I went to a a party at a bar in Soho. Which happens to be my favorite thing to do. I had two perfectly reasonable priced pints, that turned out to be half water, half beer. Tasty. Meanwhile I could witness a ginger guy fully getting it on, on the dance floor, with a girl that thought if she would wear a short, sleeveless and super tight dress no one would notice that she could lose a kilo or two, or you know - fifty. But you know, the music was so great anyway I barely even noticed. The volume of it was, as to be expected, spot on perfect, you could not hear the person next to you shouting in your ear. But I mean, who likes to talk to their friends anyway?
Someone canny might think to themselves, well, maybe you should try to avoid Soho. I will from now on. I just happen to be invited to parties there. Next time I might have to consider saying: "thanks, but no thanks".
(Or you know, not be sick and actually be in the mood to go out. That might work as well. Saying that just doesn't go with my crankiness)

I remember when I first moved to London and people that had lived in London for more than five seconds bitched about Oxford Street, Soho and all these "famous" things to do in London. I thought they were just pretentious twats that were trying to make me feel shitty about myself because I used to like all these things! But dear, oh dear! No pretentiousness. Those people just knew better. Now, I don't only know, because I did know - but my theory has been tested thoroughly and is now to be considered as a law of nature.

As of today, I've been standing outside for six hours (at a café, just to clear that up, don't get any ideas) with fever, headache and just in general pain. I almost said to every single customer I had (unless they were working in the area): "so seriously, why would you ever be here in Soho, in London, in December, on a Saturday?".

(Which is only partially true, because today was my last day at work for a while and I actually really enjoy chatting to customers who are all happy and excited about Christmas. Some of them go and do super glamorous stuff for Christmas which is sort of cool to hear about. But I can't write that here, as I'm being bitter and edgy.)

Hrefna that feels horrible as she has the flu and can't go out and play and is taking it out on the rest of the world. Plus I had two parties to go to tonight (note, not in Soho!) and there is no way I am going to make it. Plus there's a party downstairs in Spanish. Just to go and get some soup means to be in the loudness. Plus I love not being invited to a party by default (I don't speak Spanish). It's way better than if you had a possibility of going, but they just didn't like you.
PS. They've migrated from down stairs to outside my door and are singing. Sorry, but I'm going to go lie down and die.

PS2. oh wait. I've just been diagnosed. I have the men flu. It is quite rare for women to get it, but it must be it, as I have all the symptoms. A little bit sick but act as, rightfully so, the world is coming to an end as of now.

1 comment:

birta said...

þú hefur hér með færst enn ofar á listanum yfir fólk í uppáhaldi hjá mér.
kv. bitra (neibb.. ekki innsláttarvilla)