7 Dec 2010

5 year plan - Cities.

Okay. If I were to live the perfect life it would happen in these places:

First of all I'd finish my degree here and live in London.

I'd go home every Christmas though, because lets face it, we are the only people that know how to celebrate Christmas and New Years.

Before I finish my degree though, I'd spend a summer in San Francisco.

Once I've graduated I'll be so exhausted after all these academics, I'll visit all of my gorgeous friends that will be living in Sydney.

Then, when I become a fancy career lady I'll be living in New York.

Fingers crossed!


hsw said...

where's Berlin?

and I think you will be a Sheppard in the mountains of New Zealand.

Unknown said...

I know! Berlin so belongs there, I was thinking after Sydney, before New York. But then I'll have to fit learning German, because I'd never want to live there and not be able to speak the language.

birta said...

ég skal kenna þér þýsku litla. eða þú getur búið með mér og haft mig sem persónulegan túlk, það er sjúklega fancy!

Unknown said...

JÁ! Ok birta. þetta er plan. 2015 finnum við okkur sæta litla íbúð í Berlín þar sem verða alltaf til rauðvín og ostar, og til að byrja með færðu að vera persónulegur túlkur en af því ég er svo eldklár þá áður en langt um líður ræðum við heimsbókmenntir og voltaire á þýsku. sprachen deautchen machen, ja?

Unknown said...

focusing on cities with pretty bridges?